Sunday, January 18, 2009


This is an LP from the Trippers, Yet Nim. I believe from 1971.

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Shin Jung Hyun

Often referred to as the Godfather of Korean rock music, Shin Jung Hyun began his career in 1955 entertaining American soldiers at army bases after the Korean War.
In 1962 he formed the ADD4, Koreas first rock band.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Group Sounds

Wikipedia defines the "Group Sounds" genre like this ....

Group Sounds is a genre of Japanese rock music that was popular in the mid to late 1960s. The most well known bands of that era were The Tigers, The Tempters, The Spiders, The Golden Cups, The Mops, The Blue Comets, The Funnies, The Wild Ones, The Happenings Four and others.

In Korea, the term was used to describe the bands of the 70's. Some Korean GS Bands would be Shin Jung Hyun and the Yup Juns, San Ul Lim, He6 ,The Trippers and the Key Boys...

Translated is ...